Feel like an outdoor practice rooted in nature, steeped in views of Okanagan Lake, followed by a crisp mimosa or glass of local Okanagan wine? Tap images below for dates and to register.
*Advance registration required, space is limited* Sunset Stretch and Sip Wednesdays 6:00pm, and Yoga + Mimosas Sundays 10am.
When I first started yoga I would come to my practice to try and remove racing thoughts from my head, almost like I could beat them away with a stick. Now, after two kids, marriage, and a total burnout from a busy career, I know that's not really how it works. I have learned (with great difficulty) to slow down, and to watch those racing thoughts come and go. And instead of trying to force them away, just to get curious. No judgment, just notice 🌙
Self-care gets a bad rap but really what it comes down to is ~ "taking an active role in protecting one’s own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress.”
We are exposed to SO much stimulation. With all the notifications and emails... and the need to be constantly available. Sometimes having to put my phone down for an hour and just focus on the actual world in front of me, can be SO HARD! But then all of a sudden, I can breathe again and be less reactionary in my day to day.
Yoga is like this. It is a practice of coming back to your breath, of being aware of the warm air on your skin, the sun on your face, and the sounds your ears can hear. It is self care in it's purest form, so you can just.... be. This has created a life-long love affair, with Yoga and ultimately, with myself.
Take care of yourselves. xx Love Jess
Take your Yoga Teacher Training with Me and Josee Jarratt at the UBC Okanagan.Aligned and Certified 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training with the Yoga Science School will be the best gift you ever give yourself.
Imagine the freedom to share something you love with others, make money while doing it, and having access to the most incredible experiences!
Find out if this is the right fit for your Yogi journey: Email meor learn more at yogascienceschool.com.